Sunday, October 5, 2008

While I'm Waiting

We went to see FIREPROOF last night with some other couples.  Our church provided the childcare if we took some other couple with us that we felt would benefit from the movie.  Then there was dessert and coffee in the fellowship hall following the movie.  Some of the actors from the movie were there to meet everyone and talk.  It was great.  And I have to say, even though I had seen the movie before...seeing it again for a second time was an even better experience for me than the first time.  I think at first I was so busy looking for the people I knew and the places that were familiar to me that I missed a lot of the story itself.  But not this time.  Wow!!  It didn't even seem like I knew the people in the story (except for the one shot I saw with my hubby in it. He was an extra in one of the scenes!)

A few weeks ago, I did a post on the other blog about waiting.  And this movie just made me think about our "waiting times" even more.  Caleb had a real wait in the movie.  He had to wait on the Lord, wait on his wife... and most of us would have just given up.  Because the waiting is soo hard!  But I noticed that while he was waiting, he wasn't just hanging out or standing around.  He was "busy" waiting, if that can possibly make sense.  It was an active wait.  And so many times our waits are not.  We tend to think that just because we are in a waiting season we are supposed to just sit around.  And that isn't always the case.

John Waller wrote an amazing song that is in this movie.  It's not available to put on my player yet (I know some of you don't like the music.  Sorry.  Move on.) but it is available on iTunes and it will be on the soundtrack to the movie.  It just grabbed a hold of me.  So much so that I decided to put the words on here for you.  But go to iTunes and listen.  It describes what our waiting should look like...

While I'm Waiting
John Waller

I'm waiting, waiting on You, Lord
And I am hopeful.  I'm waiting on You, Lord.
Though it is painful, but patiently I will wait.

I will move ahead bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience

While I'm waiting, I will serve You
While I'm waiting, I will worship
While I'm waiting, I will not fade.
I'll be runnin' the race, even while I wait.

I'm waiting, waiting on You, Lord.
And I am peaceful.  I'm waiting on You, Lord.
Though it's not easy, no, but faithfully I will wait.
Yes, I will wait.

I will move ahead bold and confident.
Taking every step in obedience.

While I'm waiting, I will serve You.
While I'm waiting, I will worship.
While I'm waiting, I will not fade.
I'll be runnin' the race even while I wait.

I love this song and it's message.  What is the most important is not how long we wait, but how we wait.

What will you do while you wait?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok! I am dying to see the movie! My husband is on tour right now so I will have to wait another week...but its killing me!