Saturday, January 3, 2009

Another Road Trip

Call me crazy, I know, but on Thursday I got back into the car and headed to Ang's house... again.  No kids in tow this time, just me.  I was bummed that I had missed Keli and the girls started asking me to come back.  I just don't know how to say no to them!  That AND I cave to peer pressure. *snicker*  And I was fortunate enough that Frank had already decided to take off work on Friday and he was sweet enough to let me go.

Let me just tell you that we had a blast!  It was a big slumber party I tell ya!  We cut up and laughed for a long time that evening.  And the funny thing is that even though it was the first time I had been around Keli, in real life, I didn't feel that way at all.  She is HI LARIOUS!!  Seriously, I haven't laughed that much in one sitting in a while.  I even got to meet Ang's mom! And she was just as funny as the rest of the girls!

I think we all went to bed around 3am.  And then we were up around 8am.  So, we were lazy for most of the morning!  However, we did go to the movies that afternoon (more on that later) once another of Ang's friends came to town!  I tell ya, she had a house slam full!  We had a great time and I really hated to go, but came home with a bunch of new memories and great friendships!  I can't wait till we all get together again!

Oh, and just for the girls.... CANCEL ROUTE!!!!!!!!


Shell in your Pocket said... fun!! Have you all been friends before blogging? Or just met since then? I want to come...sounds so fun...a bunch of my favorite bloggers in one room!
-sandy toes

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

How fun, sure wish I lived closer. It is so neat to see you all together in the same picture.. Sounds like you had a great time, so glad you were able to go again..

CntryMomma said...

Awww, GFU. Looks like good times.


Mrs. Chief said...

Ashley, how wonderful...can i tag next time???? What a wonderful Christmas break you have had!

He & Me + 3 said...

You are so lcuky. Sounds like a blast. That is just awesome for you!

Tiffany said...

Hi there. I, too, am staying up WAY late reading and reading and a little nodding, and reding.. :) Found your blog through a chain of that reading and now I can't recall how in the dickins I got here! Regardless, I just had to leave a comment. It's only proper that I do since I stopped by! :) You have an adorable family and your pictures on the left sidebar are beautiful. I can just hear the giggles and laughter. So great to "meet" you. I just need to find that follower button now... :)

Tiffany in Washington...for now

Davisix said...

Come back...I miss you!

And that middle pic of me is YUCK! Did I approve that?!?! I think not.


Davisix said...

Seriously need to cut me out of that pic. I'm not kidding. Kel and Bran look beautiful though!!! They are sooo photogenic. So...cut me know, CANCEL ROUTE!! Please? (big cheesy smile)


Tim said...


I got the Fireproof button up on our site. Thanks so much for the help with it. That movie has done wonders for my marriage. My wife just informed me that she bought the couples kit so I am really excited about that.

God Bless.

Tim said...

Oh and also, I have become a follower on your site so I hope you will do the same with ours! We look forward to reading your posts.

Keisha said...

Oh.... I sooo jealous!! LOL! Looks like you all had a great time!
Okay... out with it.. what did yall watch at the movies?! ;)

Brandi said...

you seriously put that pic of me with my hair and double chin..I am soooo feeling your love girlfriend!! Thanks!

Miranda said...

Sounds like you ladies had A LOT of fun!! Love the pictures!

Amanda said...

Now thats a group of hotties! And you all look completely down to earth and sweet yet EXACTLY like the kind of people I want to hang out with. Heading to Minnesota anytime soon? he he

God bless-