Wednesday, January 7, 2009

It's Tough Being A Woman

I started the Beth Moore Bible study yesterday on Esther!  I have been waiting it seems like forever to start this so I was mucho excited!!  The introductory session was great and I am sure that I will be talking a lot about the study itself in the upcoming weeks.  Part of the title of the study is It's Tough Being A Woman.  Beth had asked on their blog for women to give their reasons of why they thought this and she read some of them.  They were sooo funny!  So, I thought I would give you my own list...

*you never get a sick day

*you must juggle many different hats at one time... cook, wife, mother, daughter, friend, chauffeur, referee, judge AND jury, housekeeper, laundry cleaner (sometimes), pet feeder and so on and so on...

*you have to disguise the pantie lines

*you really have one great week each month

*there is always someone following you to the bathroom

*you must keep smooth legs (riiiiiight)

*you must automatically know how to do little girls hair once you have one.

*you have to know when it's safe to whack your kids while driving and when to pull over...

*you are the primary grocery getter

*you have to make sense of why you cry at commercials..

and last but not least....

*PANTYHOSE AND BRAS (nuff said...)


Shell in your Pocket said...

Hee hee...great list....perfect shaved legs..if there is no sun and the temp is not about 70...I am bad about the "hair" on the leg..I try but winter is hard!
-sandy toe

Tim said...

That was HILARIOUS!!! Im not even a woman (ladies) as I call you, but I can appreciate the humor in that as well as all those things you do because in our home I do most of the same things. At least for a few more months anway.

CntryMomma said...

LOL Is this online? 'Cause I've been doing some of her's online through Life Today. I'd like to do it with you. ;o)


~*Mistee*~ said...

Amen sister!

Lisa said...

HILARIOUS & SO TRUE. Gotta love the one about the smooth legs (uh yeah right) and the bra. I could throw the bra and the razor out the car window and never miss em (lol). Thanks for sharing!!

amy (metz) walker said...

I identify with too many of those reasons! Sorry I've been a bad commenter through the holidays...I'm back to catch up!

He & Me + 3 said...

I agree totally it is tough being a woman!

Yellow Beads said...

that's a cute list, ha!

Beth E. said...

I just realized that you have another blog...DUH!

These are great! lol

Jen @ said...

Funny post! We have the hardest job! I love your header picture - so cute!

Also, I read your post about Twilight and I love it too. I am re-reading the books for the fourth time right now. I really liked the movie and I didn't think I would since I didn't think it would be as good as the book.

Thanks for letting me stop by!


Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

I loved this..

Davisix said...

Amen and amen...

Keisha said...

LOL!!! OM Goodness I bought spit my coffee out when I read about knowing when 2 smack your kids while driving.. and when to pull over! HAHAHA!!
This is so neat.. did you know.. that Sunday I will start this SAME study with our church!! How Awesome is that! Maybe we can collaborate!! LOL!
Hugs & have a Great Day Girlfriend!!!!

CntryMomma said...

Ashleyyyyy! Hello???? Umm, I know your way into Edward, but I've photo tagged you! *giggle*


Amanda said...

Ha! Now thats a funny list!

My church is starting Ester in a week...but I am going to wait to do I will enjoy hearing your perspective on it!!!

Many blessings-

Danyele Easterhaus said...

nursing bras!!!! add that one...hate these things. no one can look good in these things!

Tammy said...

LOL!!! I'm lovin the study too.

Rissa said...

sorry i've not been checking in.. Its been really busy here.. Hopefully now that the holidays are over things will get back to "normal" or well..close to it anyways.. Hope your doing well & that you had a great holiday!!

Shell in your Pocket said...

I have something for you on my blog:)

Amanda said...

Hey Ashley! I stopped by your blog on my way to MckMamas and noticed that you are up on her bloggy froggy thingy now!! So I kept leaving her blog then going back FROM your blog and you go higher and higher!!

Your gonna be famous!!!

he he

God bless!

Mc Allen said...

oh this was great!! I am terrrible about shaving in the winter... we had no shave november and december here... I just shaved!! Love the blog, and I ama huge twiliht fan!! ☻ LA

Leah said...

Yep!! What a list@!

Tiffany said...

Ashley, I LOVE Beth Moore's study on Esther! So great! I try to follow her blog, too. What a gal. Witty, wise and stinkin' hilarious! Hope you enjoy the study.

Have a blessed and happy day.

The Boren Life