Friday, September 12, 2008

Friday Thankfuls

I don't know about yall, but I sure am glad it's Friday!  Today, I am thankful that a day has come that I wasn't sure if it ever would.  Wyatt has been passie free for over a week now.  Truly, truly a miracle in and of itself.  I really thought this kid would go to college with several packed away safely in his suitcases.  But wonders never cease...

Also, I am thankful that as of today, Mallory has been in panties for 1 day shy of a week.  Wearing them to school, church, Bible study, even the grocery store.  And yes, while in the grocery store we did have to go...twice.  At church she discovered public potties.  She likes them.  Not really something I consider good because she tries to touch everything (gross!!!)  Glad lysol came out with the kind you can now carry in your purse.  I guess you can add that to my list too...

1 comment:

Mrs. Chief said...

What is up with the public potties and kids anyway? I never understood it! Anyway, boy your like just got alot simpler and oh, that diaper money you save!